Ellen Wille Wigs FAQs

The LA Wig Company seeks to provide answers to some Frequently Asked Questions / FAQs for Ellen Wille Wigs.

Frequently asked questions about Ellen Wille Wigs

  1. Why should I choose Ellen Wille?

For over 50 years Ellen Wille has been distinguished by the highest level of quality and comfort. Utilizing modern techniques and designed with the newest fashion trends in mind, every model takes on an almost bespoke quality as each one is tailored to meet the requirements of our valued customers. Driven by passion, a sharp eye for the latest trends, and her profound knowledge and experience,

  1. Are Ellen Wille Wigs Good?

Yes. The Ellen Wille Wig Collection includes some of the highest-quality wigs on the market today. Using modern technology in the construction, and designs that showcase the latest fashion trends. Ellen Wille Wig is distinguished by the highest level of quality and comfort. Ellen Wille herself is actively involved in the creation of every single model and all items are individually checked at the point of shipping to ensure consistently high quality. 

  1. Are Ellen Wille wigs suitable for individuals with sensitive scalps?

Yes, Ellen Wille wigs are designed with comfort in mind and are suitable for individuals with sensitive scalps. The high-quality materials and construction ensure a comfortable fit without causing any irritation.

  1. Do Ellen Wille wigs run small?

Most Wigs by Ellen Wille are sized  Petite / Average which means that they are ideal for those with a head circumference of 21.5″. The adjustable straps included in most wigs allow up to 1.5″ of adjustment room.

  1. Can I style my Ellen Wille wig differently every day?

Absolutely! Ellen Wille wigs are designed to be versatile, allowing you to style them differently every day. Whether you want a sleek and straight look or bouncy curls, you can achieve a variety of styles with ease. Fre

En Vogue by Ellen Wille - Synthetic Wig
En Vogue by Ellen Wille - Synthetic
Spring Hi by Ellen Wille - Synthetic Wig
Spring Hi by Ellen Wille - Synthetic
Catch by Ellen Wille - HH / Synthetic Blend
Risk by Ellen Wille - Synthetic Wig
Risk by Ellen Wille - Synthetic
Tempo 100 Deluxe by Ellen Wille - Synrthetic
  1. Can I swim or shower with my Ellen Wille wig on?

It is not recommended to swim or shower with your Ellen Wille wig on, as prolonged exposure to water can damage the wig. However, if you want to wear a wig while swimming, consider investing in a specialized swim wig or a waterproof wig cap.

  1. How long do Ellen Wille wigs typically last?

The lifespan of an Ellen Wille wig depends on various factors, including the type of wig, how often it is worn, and how well it is maintained. With proper care, synthetic hair wigs can last around 4-6 months, while human hair wigs can last up to a year or longer.

  1. Can I dye my Ellen Wille wig to match my natural hair color?

It is generally not recommended to dye your Ellen Wille wig, as the wig fibers have already been treated and colored during the manufacturing process. Altering the color of the wig can compromise its quality and result in undesirable outcomes. It is best to choose a wig color that closely matches your natural hair or consult a professional wig stylist for expert advice.

  1.  Where to buy Ellen Wille wigs?

LA Wig Company has been an authorized authorized retailer and online wig store since 2016. It is recommended to purchase your wig from a authorized Ellen Wille retailer to ensure that you are getting a genuine Ellen Wille product. Check the official Ellen Wille website for a list of authorized retailers.